The Payroll Company TPC Vision, Retention, Employee Retention, Onboarding, Training, Remote Employees
Imagine yourself as a new hire at a job you’ve been fighting for and interviewing for for weeks. You’ve earned your seat here, but now that you are actually here, you are a bit overwhelmed with the… Read More
The Payroll Company HR and Payroll Solutions, Human Resources, Recruitment, Payroll, Employee Retention, Onboarding, Training
What are your business resolutions or goals for 2022? Are they starting out looking dim and unattainable? Are they HR-related, or would HR implementation or change help you make those resolutions to… Read More
The Payroll Company Human Resources, Recruitment, Company Culture, Retention, Employee Retention, Onboarding
If you’ve onboarded enough new employees, you’ve undoubtedly had that nagging suspicion that on at least a few occasions you’ve made a mistake. The new hires don’t seem to be as experienced as they… Read More
The Payroll Company HR and Payroll Solutions, TPC Vision, Human Resources, Recruitment, Onboarding
Finding the right applicant to fill a position is no easy task. After all, it involves many steps including getting the word out about your position and then sorting through sometimes thousands of… Read More
The Payroll Company HR and Payroll Solutions, Human Resources, Retention, Employee Retention, Rules & Regulations, Onboarding
Many companies have turned to paperless solutions for a clean, fast, and efficient onboarding process for new hires. This singular solution works for industries of all sizes, automating processes… Read More