At TPC, we have been working with businesses for decades to help teams formulate quality and effective employee training systems for their onboarding process. We know what works best, and we know what doesn’t. And just as important, we have the right software available to make these systems really work on a practical level. Here are some principles to adopt and reasons to look into upping your training game.
Think of the training process as the wings that allow your newly-hired employees to soar. The extent to which they fly is dependent only on the quality and strength of their wings. As employers, it is our responsibility to equip new employees with not only ongoing support, but the proper training during the onboarding process in order for them to build confidence and have a greater chance at long-term success and growth within your organization.
There are some things to keep in mind as you imagine the best employee training program for your business. Here are some best practices that our team at TPC follows:
Start by making sure that your training strategy and goals are aligned with the organization’s strategic goals. Create clear and definable goals that are strategically aligned, and clearly define the why behind implementing the training.
Giving employees too much training and information all at once can be overwhelming, and actually decrease performance. To better pace your training and lessons, divide your plan into the following steps:
Check-in with the trainees often to make sure they are understanding the material throughout the entire training process. Ask questions to increase trainee engagement.
Mixing up the types of techniques you include in your training can increase interest and engagement, while also catering to a variety of teaching styles.
Connect the training back to something the trainees will experience on the job. Use case studies or training exercises as examples.
Like we stated before, starting a new job, or simply learning something new, can put someone in a vulnerable state. If employees feel encouraged and supported, they are more likely to have the confidence to succeed.
Employee training tools such as training software and additional resources are integral to make sure that your employees are staying engaged with your training and retaining the material afterward. It also helps streamline the training process and helps keep all parties organized and focused.
At TPC, we have years of success helping businesses create organized, effective and streamlined training programs for their employees. This is largely due to the fact that we provide the training online software needed to help train and onboard employees whether in-person or remotely.
Employee training is not a step you want to skip or skimp on. The success of your employees depends on it! Contact our team of training professionals to learn more about what we have to offer, or visit our page that takes a focused look at TPC Vision to learn more about our comprehensive HR plan.