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The Future of Payroll: Trends and Technologies to Watch

Written by The Payroll Company | Oct 10, 2023 6:42:00 PM

In this fast-paced digital age, the future of payroll is undergoing a radical transformation. Embracing cutting-edge technologies is pivotal in shaping efficient payroll management. In fact, staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies that are enhancing the industry is key to maintaining relevance and being considered a good employer.

As you know, in today’s modern times, the market for high-quality employees is cut-throat, and the pressure on a business to perform without mistakes is immense. Payroll is one area in which a business can either offer something innovative and ground-breaking or stay stuck in the past. Therefore, if you, as a business owner or HR professional, are ready to embrace all that is trending and making waves in the payroll industry, the following information is for you. Read on to learn more about these innovative trends:

Automation Revolution

To get us started when considering what tech payroll trends you should be embracing as a modern business, consider automation. Practically speaking, this means embracing advanced payroll software by AI and machine learning for error-free calculations and streamlining processes.

Traditionally, payroll has remained a transactional process. However, with the explosion of AI onto the scene, processes that were once done by hand or figured by data entry and outdated software are now streamlined and perfected. Reliable data entry, chatbots, intuitive machine learning, remote worker management, and the automation of processes like timesheet management can free up workers to spend time on other responsibilities instead of data entry and payroll tasks. It also cuts down on human error and costly mistakes. 

Cloud-Based Solutions

The next trend to embrace is cloud-based solutions. These payroll systems offer accessibility and real-time updates, ensuring seamless operations regardless of location. If you haven’t already heard of cloud-based software or haven’t been considering it for your modern business, you will be interested to note the growth of this feature, with the global cloud-based payroll software market industry expecting to boom and be worth $17.39 billion by the year 2027.

Overall, cloud-based software is unparalleled both in terms of cost-savings and operational efficiency. 

Enhanced Security Measures

Data security is a hot topic today with so many breaches and the risk of identity theft ever-growing. Therefore, today, more so than ever before, you should prioritize data security with encryptions, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits to safeguard sensitive payroll information.

Outdated software without the latest enhanced security measures like data security, audits, and multi-factor authentication can result in cyberattacks and/or the loss of employee information like their bank account numbers, social security numbers, and more. Maintaining the latest software and tech for security measures is a must if you want to keep employee data safe in today’s digital society. 

Employee Self-Service Portals

Empower your employees with self-service portals for easy access to payroll information, reducing HR administration tasks. HR professionals spend an estimated 10 to 15 hours of their time on a weekly basis answering employee questions, overseeing disputes, and putting in requests.

Therefore, by embracing self-service portals that allow employees to do more of this for themselves, HR professionals can spend their time addressing other issues that employees can’t handle on their own. 

Real-Time Payments and Financial Wellness

Offer real-time payment options to enhance financial security and reduce reliance on high-interest loans, which in turn promotes employee well-being. Times are hard right now, and not being able to access real-time payments can put employees in a bad financial situation where they are forced to take out loans such as the hated high-interest payday loans.

In fact, according to CFPB data, some 12 million Americans take out at least one payday loan on a yearly basis. Thankfully, by offering your employees real-time payment options, you can help them increase their financial security and keep them away from those detestable predatory payday loans. 

Integration with HR and Accounting

Yet another way to embrace the future and implement cutting-edge technology and trends into your payroll is through integration with HR and accounting. When you integrate payroll systems with HR and accounting software, you create cohesion for data flow, enabling better workforce planning and budgeting. 

Compliance and Regulation Adherence

Stay up-to-date with changing regulations through advanced payroll software that automatically adjusts to new tax rates and compliance requirements. Noncompliance, even when unintentional, can cost your business dearly. So, you want to embrace technology that will keep up with any changes that are made and ensure you are always in compliance. 

Data-Driven Decision Making

Utilize enhanced reporting and analytics tools to gain deeper insights into labor costs and workforce trends, enabling informative decision-making. This means you will get a behind-the-scenes look at what is taking place in your business so you can make better decisions for not only your business but your employees as well. Data is immensely helpful, but only when you can quantify that data does it become powerful. This means enhanced analytics and reporting tools can make all the difference. 

The Future of Payroll is Here at TPC

Embracing the trends outlined above not only ensures compliance for your business but also boosts your overall efficiency, reduces errors, and enhances employee satisfaction. Stay ahead by integrating these innovations into your payroll management, securing a seamless and prosperous future for your organization.

At TPC, we are more than payroll, we are a trusted payroll expert who can help guide you through the process of embracing new trends and technologies in the payroll field. Contact us today to learn how your business could benefit from these trends.