TPC Blog

Working with Summer Scheduling Changes

Written by The Payroll Company | May 30, 2023 1:45:00 PM

Work-life balance has frequently been outpolling money as the most important factor for employees! So what can employers do in the summer months when employees have more scheduling conflicts than usual? Below are a few options to consider.


Depending on the nature of your business, consider making exceptions where you can. Working with employees to allow for personal obligations and free time outside of work will make employees happier, healthier, and more productive when they return to work. We've suggested a few different ways to do that: 


Flexible Scheduling

Allowing employees to modify their schedules ahead of time or possibly last minute (when necessary for them and possible for you) will create increased loyalty and willingness to go the extra step the next time it’s needed.



If there are proper tools available, offering an employee to work outside of the office is a great option, such as when a child needs a parent around but not their full attention. Or perhaps an employee is traveling and is able to work while on the road. Letting employees work remotely allows them to get their work done and they won’t have to take paid time off.


Reduced Hours

In some cases, reducing hours for a period of time or giving the employee a leave of absence is the best option. Although this is more of a burden to employers than the other options, if it keeps an invaluable employee around long-term, it might be worth considering.


Employer-Initiated Perks

Employers might also creatively think about temporary changes to certain workplace policies or practices that would work for summer months. Some employers have less business in summer and therefore choose to close early on Fridays during those months. By giving employees a little extra time off, you have the flexibility to choose the days and times that are more convenient for the company and could possibly reduce employee requests for days off.


Although employers can’t take away the stressors in employees’ personal lives, being understanding of their scheduling wants and needs will help set you both up for success! Contact TPC for more information.